Its Pocahontas
Like I have stated before in my blogs, I am not a big fan of science fiction movies. When we watched The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy by Douglas Adams was not a movie that interested me. I found it to be hard to follow since it contained a lot of satire that sometime you would lose track of each joke. I think that it was great in the sense of showing literacy fiction with the robots and aliens but literacy context wise it was a fail. What i did find was an allusion to Mice of Men when the main character was on his way to back up replica of earth. 
What is a new way to analyze the structure of text? Formalism is a type of criticism that is used to scrutinize the little things such as grammar and other things in a piece of literature. The term of formalism was not used until the early twentieth century to function against Romanticist. All in all, what this literature term does is that it reduces text int historical contexts. 
When it comes to Greek theater, music was an important factor for the performances. I mean, what is a musical with out the dramatic music or dramatic acting that goes along with the music? The Greeks had a section called the Chorus which was made up by two parts. The Strophe & Anti-Strophe. The chorus would serve as spectators of the play as well as the highlights for foreshadowing. The Strophe is made up of all male actors that go from right to left while the Anti-Strophe consists of all female actors that go from left to right. Through out the performances their job is to also contradict each other but always try to guide the characters to do the right thing just like it happens in Oedipus Rex. I believe that Erin's presentation group was really cool since they sang a song that resembled what chorus actually was.
I'd never thought I would ever start watching the trilogy of the Lord Of The Rings. As a teen age girl, I'm more into chick flicks like the Notebook and I've had my days where I watch the Transformers sequel. When we started watching the first part of the trilogy  I thought to myself "Nooooooooooo!!!! Just shoot me now" I never gave it a chance.

Ironically, I found this movie to be quite interesting. I think I'm almost into it just like I am into Transformers. No, not really but you get my point. This movie in particular is different in the sense there is a lot of mythical creatures like dwarfs and giant trees that can talk and walk at the same time. Frodo, the main character, takes upon a journey that only he can finish the job. Turns out there is this powerful ring that they call the ring of power and the only way to destroy it is by taking it back to the place it was created! Why would you want to destroy it? Well this ring tends to get the characters true colors out. This movie had me at the edge of my seat since evil appears to be good and good appears to be evil in my point of view. One of the things I found ironic in this film is the the colors. For example, there are two wizards where one of them is good and protects Frodo whos colors are dark greens and grays. While the other one was good but turned evil because of greed and mostly the color he wears is white! Will Frodo finish what he started? Its a nail bitter but there is only one way to find out. 

The Greek theater is recognized world wide for many reasons. One of the reasons is because Greek theater is very different from what we know today as theater. When we think of plays or acting now a days, we think of the plays from Broadway. All this performances that happen in Broadway are mostly to attract people from many different parts of the world. In ancient Greece, the plays that would get performed was to please Dionysus. The Greeks would get together at Athens for a festival called Dionysia. Most of the performances that they would performed were tragedies because they thought it added a more dramatic effect. One cool thing I found out was that the very first actor to ever act in a play was from Greece! Hes name was Thespis and from his name the word "thespian" was born. I remember one day in my drama class we read a play named No Child by Nilaja Sun one of the main character has used the word thespian and my teacher explained how this word literary meant "actor" in the play. This play is performed by only one woman and there are many character  and that makes it truly amazing and hilarious. 
The second part of the The Lord Of The Rings: Two Towers written by J.R.R. Tolkien was published in 1954 and the story continues with the protagonist, Frodo, who continues his journey in quest of destroying the ring. Although, there is a twist to this half of the movie, Frodo now has made the wrong turns and has encountered himself with the demonds that he been trying to get the ring away from. Even though half of the fellowship is dead, the rest still manages to find a way to find Frodo and his friend Sam. Along the way, Sam and Frodo meet a creature named Smigel and they have been traveling together. Soon, trouble finds them one way or another and it is up to them to save the day. In the movie I notice that the two towers symbolized something. These two towers in my opinion represent the two visions of evil and in away they remind me of 9/11. J.R.R. A motif that I notice as the movie played, was the suspicion each character had towards something. For example, Frodo suspects that the power of the ring has taken over him and he has become evil. Sam in the other hand suspects that Boromir's brother is not as true as he says he is when they are captured.
Everyone like always are procrastinators when it comes to book annotations and book blogs. Not only is time consuming yet for the graduating seniors is just another hurdle we must jump over to get to the finish lin. As a senior, I think that everyone is grateful for the week of spring break and we all thank God for making the book annotations due the week after spring break. So my message to all the seniors is that guys were only 2 months away from graduating! Lets finish strong and make a difference in this two months!! 
Brain food is the best way to test someone's knowledge right on the spot and I believe the Greeks thought so too back in the day when they were writing all the mythology stories. When I found out that there was a character in the story of Oedipus Rex that told riddles I got excited. In the story of Oedipus Rex, there is a character that in many version it varies between the type of evil. For example, in the version we read in class the riddle teller acts like an assessing that will kill you unless your answer to the riddle is right in Oedipus Rex. The Sphinx is a mythological creature that is known for the famous riddle of men. I remember when I was seven years old, my family and I would always take a visit to my aunt's house. Every time we arrived at her place, she would always have a new riddle for me and if I'd Answer it right she would take me out for ice cream. What a nice deal for a 7 year old don't you think? I didn't know any better back then. When the group who had the section of riddles, I was ready for them. For my surprise, the riddle that is written in the play of Oedipus happened to be one of the riddles my aunt told me when I was 7! In the story of Oedipus, The main character encounters one day with the Sphinx and she tells him the riddle that no men was been able to answer "What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?" The protagonist answers correctly in one try and kills the Sphinx! After the discussion and presentation happened everyone tried to come up with riddles about the school among other topics. So I decided to find three riddles to test your knowledge on the spot. Test your knowledge!!


1. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

2. What can you catch but never throw?

3.My tines be long, my tines be short, my tines end ere my first report. What am I?
We know about many Greek philosophers and authors, mainly about Aristotle but who is Sophocles? The name did not ring a bell at first. This man named Sophocles was an ancient Greek play writer that until this day he is recognized as one of the three Greek tragedians  He was also a politician and artist. He mostly know for his plays. What makes him unique is the fact that all of his plays were not written in a chronological order but involve the same cast through all three of them. I wonder what made him write them in a messy way. The plays he wrote were Oedipus Rex, Oedipus at Colonus and the last one was Antigone. During his life time, Sophocles loved to write plays for competitions  At the age of his early 90s he died from an unknown case. My guess is because of his age but that is just me. Sophocles has literally more than 100 years of being dead but his work still remains in modern day and he makes a big part for what we know of Greek literature.

Today I added a new goal to my goals and that is to visit Greece once I get older and find the center of the world. Since we're starting to get familiar with the story of Oedipus Rex, we have to know our territory first. The presentation I saw today was about the key places in the story. The first place they mention was Delos, which is an island neak Mykonos and is the birthplace of Apollo. Around that island there is a famous sea named the Aegean Sea. In my opinion, I think this sea gives an advantage to the person who is trying to find the island of Delos on a map. I know it helped me. Anyways, through out the presentation the next key place they mentioned was Cytherean, which is a mountain near the city of Thebes. The last place that they mentioned was Delphi which is the shrine of Apollo, the holiest place in all Greece and it is known to be the center of the world. How cool is that?!? I wonder how many tourist Greece gets a year. 

Sweet and Heady