Its Pocahontas
The Greek theater is recognized world wide for many reasons. One of the reasons is because Greek theater is very different from what we know today as theater. When we think of plays or acting now a days, we think of the plays from Broadway. All this performances that happen in Broadway are mostly to attract people from many different parts of the world. In ancient Greece, the plays that would get performed was to please Dionysus. The Greeks would get together at Athens for a festival called Dionysia. Most of the performances that they would performed were tragedies because they thought it added a more dramatic effect. One cool thing I found out was that the very first actor to ever act in a play was from Greece! Hes name was Thespis and from his name the word "thespian" was born. I remember one day in my drama class we read a play named No Child by Nilaja Sun one of the main character has used the word thespian and my teacher explained how this word literary meant "actor" in the play. This play is performed by only one woman and there are many character  and that makes it truly amazing and hilarious. 

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