Its Pocahontas
Litotes are rhetorical devices that are well known in literature. They allow to deliver with attention the emphasis of the intentions that a person or character is trying to get across. Or in another words is a figure of speech that has a understandment of intentions. Many authors like to write their stories with allusions to the Bible to get a message across and along with that allusion a form of litotes is formed. 
For example
In Ecclesiastes 7:17 "Dont be too wicked," meaning not to act as crazy person.

other examples of litotes are the following:
"he's not that unattractive."
"This is nothing but a a scratch."
"This is not a bad day."
Get it? Got it? GOOD.
The movie of "Sleepy Hollow" is based on the short story of The Legend Of Sleepy Hollow by Washington Irving. This movie and story are both considered to be gothic literature since the plot of the story takes place in 1979 in the tiny town of Sleepy Hollow. The movie portraits the characters of the story as static, since they do not change through out the story. The twists in the plot of the movie makes the reader find it interesting and worth watching rather than just another predictable movie. I must say that this movie did had me jumping from suspense. I think it was a great movie specially because of the literacy elements that were incorporated with the fiml and also because Johnny Depp was the perfect actor for this film.

Note taking can be an absolute pain in the butt, specially if the information that you're noting seems a little... Lets say... NOT ORGANIZED. The strategy that has been introduced to the students of AP English is the 4-Corner Notes. As a student that takes many advanced placement classes in one year, it can get a little crazy when it comes to the topic of notes. The best way to maintain notes organized and full of information is doing the four corners. In my AP English class, is the main thing we practice with short stories and when we watch movies of literacy fiction. Its very simple to use. All you do is fold your paper ones hot-dog style, and once as hamburger style. BOOM! Just like that you have divided your paper into four squares that will allow you to keep information separated from different topics rather than taking notes in a list type of style. In my case, I have applied this strategy to all my classes except for my AP Calculus class since I work with mostly numbers in there. It has actually made my interest in taking notes greater than before. I used to think that note taking was torture since all you do is sit around and write the little bits and pieces you can retain from a long discussion. Now, with four corner notes I find myself a little more interested in the discussion. My advise, give it a try. Odds are you might like the way they work.
I take symbolism in stories as the pieces to a very complicated puzzle. Each piece gives you a clue of where it should go or where fits. That's exactly what symbolism does. For example in the movie Beloved, the color of the dress that the character of Bleloved wears when she is first introduced in the movie is black. Black in literature represents the color of evil, death, bad intentions, and mystery. Through out the story we see this character turn into a big obstacle for the family she lived with. Even though she was a member of this family years ago. This character was indeed dead but alive at the same time. Does that make sense? Of course it does. Her character also represents the spirit that tormented the mother through the years after she killed her for the best.

Have you ever wonder why when you're stressed you are able to just listen to music and relax? I'll tell you why, it is simple. Music is life. I think that music is the medium of transportation that take us from the most stressed moments to peace and serenity  I believe that my friend Amadeus Mozart, believes so too. Recently in class, we have watched Amadeus, the story of the famous composer of operas that have been recognized all around the world. This movie uses Satire to to express the theme of individuals never living up to the expectations of society. For example, the role of the main character. Hes objective was to have fun while doing the things that he loved the most such as writing music and operas. Even though there were points in his life that his work was criticized by saying his music contained "too many notes." Im kind of glad that this famous composer didn't let the influence of group think affect him because otherwise I would not have this classical music that every now and then I listen to when I study.
Ever since the movie assignment started, our tasks have  always the same. By analyzing the movies in great detail you abstract more juice than what you think the movie has to offer. For example, how many times have you realized that in a scary movie the killer will always be in the basement and your character always goes downstairs to check the basement for that strange sound? I'm sure planty of times. That is an example of dramatic irony. This type of irony is when the audience knows something that the other characters in the story, movies, t.v. shows and etcetera don't know. From the movies that I've watched has been quite beneficial to me. My skills on identifying this literacy device has been getting keener that what it was before. Every time that I'm watching t.v. or watching a movie, my mind automatically starts to look for irony and other literacy devices. It comes more natural to me than what it used to be.
Malapropism in literature is defined as using a incorrect word in place of a word that contains the same sound as the proper word that its supposed to be. In stories, when an author incorporates this literacy element in dialects or in the narration sentences, the technique makes the sentences not have the logic or make complete sense to the audience. Sometime authors use it to make a change in the mood of a particular scene or transition through out the story. Authors like to include this literacy element in their work because it provides humourous moods for the readers enjoyment. When I searched where this word originated from, i found out that the word "malapropism" came from the 
a character in a play written by Richard Brinsley Sheridans, The Rivals, from the 1770s. One of the characters that makes this play so memorable is the character of Mrs. Malaprop, (right) who's role is to make the audience laugh with every mistake she makes in her dialect among the other actors. So it took me a few days to understand the use of this literacy element so I have provided some of the examples I could find.


"He had to use a fire distinguisher."

"'You're is a contraption." 

"So you're telling me that you saw a ghost? Na, I think is a pigment of your imagination." 

I have always wondered what it would be like to work like a business woman in a large event, meeting new people or even at a office runing from one place to another. I've always had an inclination to get dressed in formal clothing, wear classic black shoes, and obtain have the look of someone proffesional. Since the school was having a career day I figured I should  involved myself in it until I figured that it was my academy who was hosting the event. Those were the best news I ever got. 

The event consisted of guest speaker who were going to come to the school and talk about their career and life experiences. The next part of the career day was the planning of getting everything together and ready for the event. My English class was divided into groups that had students as hosts, the group of marketing, the group of statistics, an others that make sure that the guest had confirmed their arrival on the 12th of December. Since I was a host, I had to make myself look professional because I was the one who was going to be representing the school in the eyes of the guest speakers. I learned a lot from this experience. I got to meat a great radio DJ and personality, Elissa Alexander who works for a radio station in Flint, Mi. The actual day of the event, I had to run from one place to another making sure that the first sessions were going great, keeping track of time with my clip board, talking to a class of students by introducing my guest to them and also making the guest felt comfortable. After having the GLPP Career day at the high school, I felt like Coco Rocha in the picture. Yes, indeed it took a lot of energy but it was worth it. There is no doubt that I would participate in events like this again because I had the ability to educe the professional woman that lives deep inside of me.

Sweet and Heady