Its Pocahontas
Having the new assignment of films containing literary content has been one of the best ideas my teacher could of had come up with. The groups have been great about getting their work done with the movies. Recently we watched The Secret Life of Bees. I found this movie very interesting! This movie is based on the book The Secret Life Of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. The story as well as the movie tell the journey of a girl who at four years old killed her mother by accident during the 1960s. I was shocked, but I mean it was by accident. Can you picture living with yourself knowing that YOU were the one who killed the woman who gave birth to you? I probably would fall into a deep depression state. This is a coming of age film because through out the characters and specially the protagonist, Lilly, matures through out the whole film. The movie brings many themes such as how lack of communication between couples can lead to woman and child abuse and how love can overcome anything. After the class saw the movie, I can tell you that my experience was nice. I loved how the movie makes you make connections to the characters and what they symbolize although I have not read the book I can say that from watching the movie the book will be better. After every movie that is presented to us, the class as a whole discussed the movie and we expressed our thoughts on the subject and questions that we were suppose to think as we watched the movie. One thing that I found clever about the author was how she used the bees to symbolize the journey of the character of Lilly and how she finally reaches her bee hive where she is shown what love re

Sweet and Heady