Its Pocahontas
When you go to the library and pick out a good book, what do you look for? Science Fiction genres like Transformers Tales or are you the type of person that just like a little bit of everything? In my case, I like a little bit of every genre. I love books that make me turn the page and leave me wanting for more. But have you ever wonder what makes up a good story? 

Stories are much similar to the human body. The human body has all types of different organs that have an specific function that makes our body work on a everyday basis. Books and Short stories do as well. When writers write a new story, they have to have certain parts that in a way they will tie together in one final master piece. For example, authors think how they can incorporate literacy elements such as plot, settings,  the characters, conflicts, rhetorical devices, and the list may go on. Therefore what authors do is start with the back bone of the story, which is the plot. The plot is a series of events which an author decided that a main character or antagonist will face through out the story. This is all the little bones that make up the spine in the human body. It not only enables the story to walk but to be interesting and complex at points as it develops  Authors also think of ways that their stories don't bore the readers to death, so they tend to add twists on the characters or change the mood of the story to keep your attention. 

As the story starts to grow bigger in ideas, the inside organs of this little body are starting to connect & work with each other. By having conflicts withing the characters in the story as well as having foreshadowing, the readers are interested on finding out what is next. All stories consist of a beginning, middle, and an ending. Its just up to the author to determine whether it will be a happy or sad ending. So just like the human body, a story contains all this mini parts that make the story function fluently. Now you know that stories too have skeletons and body parts just like our own bodies have organs that help us function.

Oh my God! The short story How I Met My Husband by Alice Munro has been by far one of the best short stories I've read in this class. This story is about a young girl that starts to go through the start of her adulthood. The main character, Edie, is a fifteen year old who works as a maid for this well know couple in town, the Peblees. The story tells that Edie, falls in love with a handsome pilot who ends up being already engaged to another woman. Can you imagine what trouble this caused? This story is the kind of story that makes you want to keep turning the pages. One of the reasons I like this story is because the main character, even though she was naive and high school drop-out, she maintained a strong character. Specially after all the chaos that happened.

Now, in relation to my AP English class this story is an example of what plot and structure work together. We get to see why certain characters act they way they act in certain situations, how the setting influences the actions of Edie and the kind of trouble she gets herself into. At the end of the story, the author uses a quote for the protagonist that was just the cherry on top for the perfect ice cream sunday. 
"I like for people to think what pleases them and makes them happy."
Just take the time to think about this quote and you'll find out that it is deep.
The famous playwriter, Graham Green, wrote this amazing story called The Destructors. This short story is basically about a gang of kids in London nine years after the conclusion of World War II. The leader of the gang, the character of Trevor or as in the book they the gang calls him "T", is determined to have his gang destroy the beautiful house of Mr. Thomas. For a gang, you're probably thinking this is not gang type material. Yet, back in the 1950s this was,  specially for kids just like the characters in the story. As we read the story in class, I found myself confused at one point. When Trevor enters to see the house when Mr. Thomas invites him inside his home, there is no sign of Trevor showing him disrespect or any type of envy. Let me remind you that this house is really expensive. Or to picture it better it was considered just for rich people to leave in. What I assumed was that Trevor at some point was rich and came up with the plan of destroying the house with his gang in act of jealousy and envy. My teacher brought up the same things in class and prove me right. Over all, i found this story to be ironic because after they completely destroy the house they imply that destruction is a form of creation. Ironic because WWII has just ended and the United States was starting to get back up from the hits of war and also because after a destruction something can be a new way of build up things where there is nothing left. 
The Locus of Control is a psychological theory that is consider to be an important aspect of an individual's personality. In the actual reality, this just separates the two most recognized types of people that there are in the world. One of the types, are the people who believe that they can change their behavior by their own guidance on decisions and efforts. This type of people have an Internal Locus. The other type is much different from the people who have an internal locus. People who believes their behavior is guided by external forces such as faith, luck or even God Himself, have an External Locus. 
Internal Locus: A rich person who can do what they set their mind to because they have better possibilities to reach their goals

External Locus: A poor person who believes their luck will change one day and become successful 

No what we know what the locus of control is, we can now ask the question of who controls it? The Locus of Control is such a large spectrum that we can fit right in the middle of between the two categories. So in a way we can choose who controls our locus it just depends on what type of person we are and what are the individual's beliefs.  

What has Cesia learned today?
Just like the other students, she goes to school to learn something new everyday. Whether its small or big in size, the lesson of that day is learned. Today in her AP English class, She understood that there are TWO types of fiction in the world of literature. One of them is called Commercial Fiction. This type of fiction is usually a short story that contains content that makes the reader feel the satisfaction of reading the book from cover to cover. For example, when Cesia read the first book of The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins or The Most dangerous Game by Richard Connell. It doesn't make you think as much as if you were reading Hamlet by William Shakespeare. She also has learn that there is Literary Fiction.

PAUSEEEEE!! Rewine!! What is that?
Literary Fiction is the kind of fiction that makes a reader think harder than usual. The content of those stories contain such great amount information that makes you not be interested the first time you start to read the chapters of a book or short story of this kind. For instance, one of this short stories is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte's. This story is about a girls experiences and emotions throughout her adulthood. This kind of stories make you think deeper than usual but because of that fact we can get tangled in the complexity of the text and probably give up reading. Or as like Cesia's teacher, Mrs. Fassbender would say "there is a pretty good chance that you will get bored when you first start reading and stop." Cesia also learned that short stories happen by nature and that sometimes you are going to have to read the material more than twice in order to understand its main points and key concepts. 

Nice job Cess :)
Which one do you use the most? I hope almost all of them because each of those are the tactics that ingenious people use when they face a problem or situation to find a fast solution. 
Cognitive dissonance is the state of mind where you have ideas in your head that are perhaps contradictory. Those ideas can make you think hard about the position you take in a certain situation and of course many emotions result as a outcome. One may experience emotions such as being embarrassed  mad, confused, or etc. 

From reading the article "Willing to Be Disturbed", I found this article very appealing since I can relate to its content. The main idea was to see how humans react to cognitive dissonance. Being curious to all the things in life makes us who we are. You guest it right, we are humans. Knowing that sometimes we strongly believe in what we know may sometimes might not be the right information. Thus, we tend to shut down our listening skills when people telling us otherwise. We feel threaten and switch from being calm to defensive. Lets take a look:
During math class, Chelsea raises her hand to answer the problem on the board along with her classmate Nico. 
The math problem on the board is simply a multiplication problem of "5 x 7= ?". The Teacher of course lets the young lady answer first. Chelsea answers and states that five times seven is indeed thirty-five. Nico then yells across the room and says that the answer is not thirty-five. Chelsea gets defensive and says he's wrong and the argument goes on until the teacher says the answer is thirty-five. 

Nico felt very embarrassed since he did not get the right answer but we must learn that people learn differently  This is what cognitive dissonance proves. Society tends to listen with a strong sense of judgment and don't give a chance to others to express what they feel the answer may be. 

Advise to society:

  • Learn how to listen with a less sense of being judgmental
  • Everyone learns differently
  • Try not to use "I don't Know" as an excuse to avoid problems.
  • Be curious! It will help you to gain more knowledge
  • Be willing to be disturbed by other peoples thought
Everyone knows how to write essay, research papers, TP CAST style writing papers, and even good analysis papers when the author is a really good writer. But most people arent, and that is one of the reasons high school students turn in papers to their English class being blather! Soooo if you are one of those individual then im sorry to tell you this, but you have to get cracking on your writting skills!

Lucky you that you have me to help you out with this issue!! I literally didnt had a clue on what was a Literary Analysis until today when my teacher went over it in class. Usually, the idea I would create in my head about literary analysis would be just about scruntinizing the author craft on a selected piece of writing. Boy was i wrong. I was totally lost and I felt overwhelmed when i realized i couldnt write an analysis paper. TAN TA DA TA!!!! Notes to the rescue!! Turns out that there are quite of things that you MUST include in order to have an amazing literacy analysis. First thing is first, you dont want your audience thinking a middle school kid wrote your paper because of lack of vocabulary so you should, no scratch that you HAVE to incorporate literary terms just don't define them because your audience already know the meaning of them, and thats just the start. Here, this might make better sense.

Writing Analysis DO's and DONT's

What you should do:
  1. Incoorporate literary terms
  2. Go deeper than what the plot goes
  3. Use quotes from the text to support your statements
  4. Use proper citation
  5. Long sentences
  6. Use the POD format
  7. Use present tense
  8. Prove that you understand what you have read
  9. Prove that you put deep thought into it
  10. include observations
  11. Include a clever title
  12. BE ORIGINAL :)
What you shouldn't do:
  2. Don't ever use the words "I", "us", "we", "our", etc.
  3. Cliche observations -___-
  4. short paragraphs 
Famous Authors in literature...

Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
A story about anti-slavery. This story give the point of view of the reality that happened during the slavery time period and its main point is that through out the characters role they show that Christian love can overcome almost anything.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte's:
 A story about a girl named Jane Eyre, its a becoming of age type of story where the main character tells her experiences from her adulthood. This story includes elements of social criticism, sense of morality, religion, sexuality, and proto-feminism.

Martin Chuzzlewit by Charles Dickens:
A novel based on the main character of Martin Chuzzlewit, who's story portraits the themes of social criticism, selfishness, and this is recognized as Dickens most notable great villains. 

Graham Greene:
Was an English author and playwrite who loved to explore moral and political issues of the modern world. 
Fun fact: He was bipolar.

Edith Wharton:
was an American novelist of short stories, she is known for her most recognized works such as Souls Belated, Roman Fever and The Other Two.

Sweet and Heady