Its Pocahontas
When you go to the library and pick out a good book, what do you look for? Science Fiction genres like Transformers Tales or are you the type of person that just like a little bit of everything? In my case, I like a little bit of every genre. I love books that make me turn the page and leave me wanting for more. But have you ever wonder what makes up a good story? 

Stories are much similar to the human body. The human body has all types of different organs that have an specific function that makes our body work on a everyday basis. Books and Short stories do as well. When writers write a new story, they have to have certain parts that in a way they will tie together in one final master piece. For example, authors think how they can incorporate literacy elements such as plot, settings,  the characters, conflicts, rhetorical devices, and the list may go on. Therefore what authors do is start with the back bone of the story, which is the plot. The plot is a series of events which an author decided that a main character or antagonist will face through out the story. This is all the little bones that make up the spine in the human body. It not only enables the story to walk but to be interesting and complex at points as it develops  Authors also think of ways that their stories don't bore the readers to death, so they tend to add twists on the characters or change the mood of the story to keep your attention. 

As the story starts to grow bigger in ideas, the inside organs of this little body are starting to connect & work with each other. By having conflicts withing the characters in the story as well as having foreshadowing, the readers are interested on finding out what is next. All stories consist of a beginning, middle, and an ending. Its just up to the author to determine whether it will be a happy or sad ending. So just like the human body, a story contains all this mini parts that make the story function fluently. Now you know that stories too have skeletons and body parts just like our own bodies have organs that help us function.

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