Its Pocahontas
There is a chaos theory?!?! Uhh. Yes, yes there is. The chaos theory is basically the belief that everything that happens all around us in the world happens because of randomness. The theory chaos has been mainly used in the world of math by studien the behavior of the dynamical systems that are very sensitive to initial conditions and relates to the butterfly effect. This theory not only is used in the world of math but also it is mentioned in physics, engineering, economics, biology and philosophy to understand many different dynamic systems. Many people tend to classify dynamical system as "chaotic" but in order for a a system to be be considered as a dynamic system that is chaotic, it must fall under there categories:

- The system gas to be sensitive to initial conditions just like for the butterfly effect
- It must be topologically mixing meaning has no constants that are continuous 
- Lastly it has to be dense and have periodic orbits. 

Now that you have an idea on how the chaos theory works, next time you lose a game of some kind because of random events you can blame the chaos theory. 

The Butterfly Effect is one of the sub theories of the theory of Chaos. This specific theory depends heavily on the tiniest changes in a system where that small change can make drastic changes to a larger system or make it more complex. Or in another words a small thing like the way butterflies flap their wings in one specific place can harm the weather in another! The butterfly effect is commonly used when it comes to the weather issues because in 1969 Norton Lorenz used it to determine weather patters.  He won the Kyoto Price for basic science and he died in 2008 from cancer. Its crazy how a butterfly can change things in a split second.

Have you ever heard of the term "Dadaism". I honestly didn't know what Dadaism was until I was assigned to make research on it for further purposes. When you hear the word "dada" in "dadaism" what comes to your mind? The only thing that came to my mind was a baby's first attempt to say the word "dad". Turns out that is not the case in this matter. Dadaism was an art movement that started during the early 20th century. Many artists were against the war during the nineteen hundreds and so from that moment, all of these artists that were being affected by the outcomes of the war got inspired from the horrors of World War One to make this art movement happen! Can you imagine get inspiration from a brutal event such as WWI?

From my own curiosity, I wondered what the word "dadaism" actually meant or how it was decided it to call it something so unusual. From my investigation,  there is nothing really about the origin of the name. But there is a rumor that makes this art movement more juicy than it actually is. The rumor goes that two artists who started this movement, Tristian Tzara and Marcel Janco, met a beautiful girl named Dada. They thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world when she really turn out to be a mermaid! A witch to be exact. The two artists went under her spells and she had them for diner...NOT! that is not what really happened. I had you going for a second. 

What indeed happen was that Tristian and Marcel used the word "da-da" a lot during this art movement. The word "da-da" translated from Russian actually means "yes-yes." Weird huh? One thing that I find cool about this art movement was that it not only involved artists such as painters. But It also involved writers such as poets. An odd fact about Dadaism is the way poems were written. The poet Tristian Tzara wrote his poems by taking some scissors and cutting newspaper words. So far it sounds normal and creative right? After he cut the words, he would place them inside a bag and shake it. Then he would take a word at a time and would glue them in that order. This poems turn out to be meaningful and very iconic because at the end of the day the poems didn't made sense most of the time but resembled him perfectly as well as the message of dadaism. Which was literally to contradict logic.
For My movie presentation my partner and I decided we were going to show the very popular movie of Les Miserable. This musical was based on the novel of Les Miserables by the french novelist Victor Hugo. This movie tells the story of a man, Jean Val-jean, in his quest of finding his own identify and overcoming many obstacles along the way as well as the lives and narration of many other important characters in the novel. Victor Hugo wanted his works to always be memorable and it shows in this amazing piece of literature. The tone of the book is very dark, sad, brutal, and very graphic. Specially for the characters in my picture above. Monsieur and Madame Thernardier are portrayed in the novel as very abusive, brutal human beings and most of all as clever thieves. The novel describes them as being owners of an inn where they cheated their customers. They would make them pay or charge more for the little things. So much for the term honesty. They would feed their customers anything they could find! Even a cat's tail. Gross right? In the movie/musical these characters function as comic relief through out their whole scenes. For those of you who don't know what comic relief is, comic relief is when a serious matter or issue is said or done in a comical way. That is exactly what this characters do in the musical. I think that the reason why the director chose to do their scene like this was because it might of been the only way people could get the point of this characters. Think about it. If the direct had chosen to have done the scenes like in the book most people would of detested it. Over all, I think that this movie was great! Not because it was my movie but because it was a distinct way to tell the story Victor Hugo finished and published in 1862.

The One Who Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest was an amazing movie presentation. At first this movie did not had me interested at all. I thought it was going to be about crazy people at a mental institute. Turns out this movie portraits the theme of defining freedom versus finding freedom. For example one of the characters, Mr. Cheswick. He only stayed in the mental hospital not because he was mental ill. He stayed because he really was scared of change just like the others. They actually believed that they were crazy when most of them weren't. On the other hand, the character of Chief had eventually realized that he needed to get out of there and stop pretending he was deaf when Mr. McMurry had his brain surgery. New goal for him was to find freedom. Over all I think that this movie focuses on the message that one has to always take risks in order to see change. Just like Billy did when he was attracted to Candy. This movie in my opinion is the kind of movie that if it is not expressed in a way that will interest its audience the message will never  get across. So are we really crazy?

Sweet and Heady