Its Pocahontas
Everyone knows how to write essay, research papers, TP CAST style writing papers, and even good analysis papers when the author is a really good writer. But most people arent, and that is one of the reasons high school students turn in papers to their English class being blather! Soooo if you are one of those individual then im sorry to tell you this, but you have to get cracking on your writting skills!

Lucky you that you have me to help you out with this issue!! I literally didnt had a clue on what was a Literary Analysis until today when my teacher went over it in class. Usually, the idea I would create in my head about literary analysis would be just about scruntinizing the author craft on a selected piece of writing. Boy was i wrong. I was totally lost and I felt overwhelmed when i realized i couldnt write an analysis paper. TAN TA DA TA!!!! Notes to the rescue!! Turns out that there are quite of things that you MUST include in order to have an amazing literacy analysis. First thing is first, you dont want your audience thinking a middle school kid wrote your paper because of lack of vocabulary so you should, no scratch that you HAVE to incorporate literary terms just don't define them because your audience already know the meaning of them, and thats just the start. Here, this might make better sense.

Writing Analysis DO's and DONT's

What you should do:
  1. Incoorporate literary terms
  2. Go deeper than what the plot goes
  3. Use quotes from the text to support your statements
  4. Use proper citation
  5. Long sentences
  6. Use the POD format
  7. Use present tense
  8. Prove that you understand what you have read
  9. Prove that you put deep thought into it
  10. include observations
  11. Include a clever title
  12. BE ORIGINAL :)
What you shouldn't do:
  2. Don't ever use the words "I", "us", "we", "our", etc.
  3. Cliche observations -___-
  4. short paragraphs 

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