Its Pocahontas
Brain food is the best way to test someone's knowledge right on the spot and I believe the Greeks thought so too back in the day when they were writing all the mythology stories. When I found out that there was a character in the story of Oedipus Rex that told riddles I got excited. In the story of Oedipus Rex, there is a character that in many version it varies between the type of evil. For example, in the version we read in class the riddle teller acts like an assessing that will kill you unless your answer to the riddle is right in Oedipus Rex. The Sphinx is a mythological creature that is known for the famous riddle of men. I remember when I was seven years old, my family and I would always take a visit to my aunt's house. Every time we arrived at her place, she would always have a new riddle for me and if I'd Answer it right she would take me out for ice cream. What a nice deal for a 7 year old don't you think? I didn't know any better back then. When the group who had the section of riddles, I was ready for them. For my surprise, the riddle that is written in the play of Oedipus happened to be one of the riddles my aunt told me when I was 7! In the story of Oedipus, The main character encounters one day with the Sphinx and she tells him the riddle that no men was been able to answer "What goes on four legs in the morning, on two legs at noon, and three legs in the evening?" The protagonist answers correctly in one try and kills the Sphinx! After the discussion and presentation happened everyone tried to come up with riddles about the school among other topics. So I decided to find three riddles to test your knowledge on the spot. Test your knowledge!!


1. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?

2. What can you catch but never throw?

3.My tines be long, my tines be short, my tines end ere my first report. What am I?

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