Its Pocahontas

Connotations are words that have an idea that invoke ideas and feelings. In addition, this connotations can either fit into two categories. Either they are informative, meaning that they are just reports (verifiable facts) about certain things. Or they can be affective connotations, meaning that they bring information that inform us how someone feels about certain things. For example, "She was a well behaved young lady." This is letting us know that the person like the girl by the way they described her.  For informative connotations an example would be the following: "Her friend's house was huge!." This is a rep that can be verifiable if we actually went to the girl's friend house. A characteristic that affective connotation have, is that they are socially agreed upon. So to sum this all up, the way i see it is the following:
Informative connotations: A report about something. 
Affective connotations: They way you let people know how you feel by using words or phrases.

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