Its Pocahontas
The article "AP English Blather" by Tina Blue is an article that portraits the view of a English college professor who grades her students writing papers and gets disappointed by the fact that most of her students go in circles when they try to write a good paper. They never get their point across and that my friends  is what is know as "blather." She explains how most of the blather papers that she grades are mostly from the students who came from AP English course in high school. She explains how they were taught wrong in the material and this is where the seven deadly sin of literature come in place:
  1. Empty Writing: sentences that have no type of real information
  2. Too Cliche: words and phrases that have been used for ages
  3. Platitude Punishment: Almost similar to cliches but the difference is the platitudes sound nicer.
  4. Obvious Facts and Unnecessary Info: when writers tells the obvious when the readers already know it.
  5. Over-generalization: important part in writing but its better to keep it at a limit.
  6. Subjectivity and Dogmatism: when students use words like "I think" or "In my opinion" etc.
  7. Big Words For No Reason: when the writer uses big words that makes no sense nor relates to the wholoe document.

So my advise to all students is the following double make sure that you dont make any use of this seven deadly sins of literature. They can break your whole purpose of writing. So therefore....

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