Its Pocahontas
One factor that is important just like the oxygen we breath everyday in our lives, is the motor that never sleeps. Our brains. This organ of our body needs to stay in tip top shape for anything as we live our lives. Our brains have the capacity to come up with solutions to any problem or task. I considered that ability a super power because its something that if we did not had it we would probably still be trying to figure out how to make fire or even worst. The article "Upgrade Your Brain" by Jon Spayeds informs the reader about the health about this precious machine we own. Things like stress, emotions, and genes can affect the way our brain performs. Although, we can avoid all the consequences of memory loss and pre-aging our brains by using neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability we have that based on what we do we can shape our brain the way we want to. Meaning, that we can help it as much as it help us rather than shaping it into a square or a triangle. Things like meditation, relaxing exercise  and eating healthy can help our brains not suffer from all those horrible causes that lets just say we hope not to get. 

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